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Summer Blues

By Lane Palmer
You have the opportunity to share your faith in ways that would be difficult during the school year.

Dare 2 Share - You've probably never heard of some guy named Milovan Djilas.  Let me tell you a little bit about him.  At one time he was one of Yugoslavia's top Marxists.  When he was in his early 20's, he was thrown in jail for anti-government activities. Milovan was so committed to his cause that he took on the repulsive task of smuggling party literature through the prison sewer system!  He was willing to perform such duty, he says, because "no job is dirty, low, or inconsequential."

Isn't it amazing that an unbeliever serving a temporary cause could be so committed?  What does that say about the children of God, who serve a risen Savior, and whose cause is for eternity?

Perhaps at this time of year you are taking on 'summer jobs'.  For many students, these employment opportunities are usually limited to positions that wouldn't be their first career choice.  At first, you may be thinking: "bummer, I'm stuck in this job all summer.  I'm going to die of boredom!" Yet I would encourage you to have a similar attitude as Milovan.  Whether he was in a job he really liked, or in the corner of a nasty prison cell made no difference to him- he was singularly focused on spreading his own 'good news'.  In the same way, you have an amazing opportunity this summer to share your faith in ways that would be difficult during the school year.  You are undistracted by studies, and you probably have more free time.  Daylight is longer, and the weather is better.  Go ahead and make spending cash, get a tan, and dish out unbelievable bucks for gas and entertainment- that's what summer is for!  Yet don't forget to use your time wisely to share your faith.

Milovan crawled through sewer systems for a man he didn't know and for a cause that makes zero difference for eternity.  Would you be willing to have a godly attitude at your summer job for the cause of Christ and share the everlasting gospel?  The salary may be low for three months, but the rewards will be priceless for infinity.


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